Monday, July 22, 2013

Yamaha Bolt - Joining the IBEW

Raising the tank and opening up the front of the frame always causes some challenges. The Bolt has quite a bit of plumbing and electrical hidden beneath the stock tank and all of it had to find a new home.

Much of the FI plumbing followed the tank (tank is skirted to hide it all!). The wiring was quite another deal
While everything is at paint, it's time to sort out the electrical. 

Sensors would need to be routed in OEMish location under the back bone, while everything else would have to go somewhere else. Challenge is separating the two. Schematic was helpful and a ton of splicing later it was all sorted. 

Handlebar and headlight wiring is routed though the back bone of the frame. Some MIG wire served as a guide and bundle is wrapped and taped then coated in lithium grease before getting pulled through.

In the home stretch now and ready to starting building it back up. Paint should be ready tomorrow, so if the gods are with me I'm riding it this weekend!

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