Sunday, June 30, 2013

Born Free 5

Epic event at an epic time in history. I can only hope those that made it out can appreciate what they were a part of. Years from now books will be written and movies made about the unprecedented level of creativity and motorcycle goodness that went down on this single 8 hour period. I'm proud to have brought my brand there and been a small piece of the massive transformation in our market that Born Free epitomizes. 

Hard to even explain the palpable buzz that was in the air (or maybe that was the SoCal heat), but I'm guessing 20,000 souls tolerated high temps and in some cases a two hour wait to get in. 

This is where the really cool kids hung out. The invited builder section corralled some of the most amazing two wheeled machines ever built. I'm really not much of a vintage Harley fan, but the craftsmanship and detail in these bikes is a sigh to behold.

Fun twist this year was a massive corporate Harley rig. They seemed to do an excellent job blending in and in addition to the showroom fresh hardware it appeared they raided their museum for some of the old stuff. Probably time to lose the skulls, though.

In a sea of bearded, tatt'd freaks it takes a lot to look really out of place (I lost track of the number of women with purple hair), but these folks managed to rise above with their own version of fruit loop. Apparently derived from something called a color run? 

Saw this in the vendor parking lot. Would love to hear the story.

This my friends is how to do apehangers wrong. Nearly lost my lunch.

Our little corner of the show and thankfully under a bunch of shade trees. Burly's Sean D. killed this show. Would not have been able to do it without him. 

We all have them

Really a fraction of the show. 

Alessandra helped us out with hero cards as well as starring in past photo shoots. Even cooler is she rode to the event on her Sportster!  Love her.

The bike parking area is my favorite part of the show. Level of garage built creativity was insane.

Nice touch.

Love seeing our stuff out there. Not sure about the massive sprocket, but great to see another set of Slammer shocks in the wild.

This was by far my favorite bike of the event. True Japanese brat style down to the last detail. Hoping to see more of it. 

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