Wednesday, May 23, 2012

90's Honda XR650L

Bought this from my boss at the time. Bike would get ridden once a year and then abandoned until the next. He finally gave up and sold it to me cheap. A carb rebuild and some garage time was all it needed. This was my re-entry into the dirt scene and it was probably the early 2000's.  

First ride was Skyline trail above Corona. Ran into a guy on the way down that soon showed us the entire Cleveland National Forest trail and we've been riding it since. 

Weird, I look fat in this...  

The crazy red gear is inspired by the snow we ended up in later that day. Although I'm on a Honda, this was the beginning of my DRZ fetish.  The new buddy Mark had one and I really liked it. It was lighter and easier to ride than the clunky XR650L

My buddy Shane called me up shortly after I got the bike to tell me he had picked up a machine as well. He showed up at my house with the identical Honda. Weird. I eventually sold it and picked up a DRZ400. 

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