Friday, May 25, 2012

2008 RM85 - The Kids bike

This one is my oldest's machine. He burned through a few smaller versions and at 13 went to this one. He rode the piss out of it and we even took a few MX classes together. This may also be the point in time that he got faster than me. 

He brought home a good report card, and wanted to "bling" out his bike as a reward. Hard to argue that. This is the little sister helping gut it. 

This is what was left by then end of the evening. Bike was a pivotal point for Drew, as he learned how to read a manual, understand a torque spec and lace wheels. Really the transformation from kid turning a bolt because he was asked to wrench that understood what he was doing and how to do it right. 

This is finished bike on its inaugural run.  He was by far my favorite riding partner. maybe because at 13 he and I ran at the same pace, but more likely because of some kid/parent relationship that let us enjoy the ride without ever having to utter a word. A "T" in the road? No worries, a simple nod and we were both back on the gas. He's also the only one that would get up at the crack of dawn with me to enjoy the velcro like traction of a rare desert rain. 

Also his last bike, as he sold it to buy his first car.  Pretty sure my passion for dirt waned shortly after. 

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