I loves me some four day weekends. My family was good enough to give me some quality garage time and I spent it grinding steel
Background is what's left of the original motor mount (I ground it down, hoping to make it look cooler) and the 1/2 rod based based version I created because my previous efforts had failed.
Wanting to stick with all Yamaha parts (it would be far to "obvious" to bolt Harley stuff to this bike!) I'm using a Yamaha Raider front fender for the rear brat fender-let.
This is kind of what it'll look like.
...and the finished version. 1/8" Steel welded across the width of the fender and a steel bracket connecting it to the chassis. Pulled the coils off the shocks and cycled the suspension to make sure I had plenty of clearance. All good. Some clean up and it's ready for paint.
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