That's much better. No pics, but it was down to the frame, painted and spent 14 months on my bench. Replaced or restored every little part down to nuts and bolts. Nestled in there is a NOS tool kit.
My first bike was a JT1 (the earlier gen of the GT80), so this one had special meaning. The shocks alone took me a month to restore.
Yup, NOS K&N air filter. Did anyone ever know or care? Nope, but it made me happy.
Delivery day. Made a fake plate to match the state the owner lived in when he had his first GT80 as a kid.
Easily one of my favorite restos. Crazy detailed, NOS spokes, recreated the finish on the hubs (blasted, polished, spun and clear powdered), even hand polished and clear coated the hardware I couldn't find NOS replacements for. No way I made money on ths one, but it made me happy every time I wrenched on it.
any for sale?